29 July 2007. 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Luke 11, 1-13 Praying Unceasingly
The Gospel today tells about Jesus teaching his disciples to pray. And by baptism, He is teaching us how to pray. He teaches us His way of praying: the Our Father. He teaches us the attitude in prayer: perseverance and persistence. He teaches us never to stop praying, to stop asking, to hope that we would receive an answer from our persistent knocking. He asks us to keep looking, to continue searching and questioning so that someday we will find the answers to our questions. It is through our questioning that we progress. They say that civilization is the result of the question mark. He teaches us that we can also bargain with God as Abraham did for
To pray unceasingly. Does this mean that we should not go out of this church? Is unceasing prayer dedicating our whole time kneeling, holding our missals and novenas, repeating the beads of the rosary forever? There are times we have to devote time for other things --- outside of ‘praying time’. We need to work and to study. We need to attend to our domestic and personal needs.
St. Isaac of
Thus, it is the Spirit that we are able to pray. Paul says in his letters to the Galatians (4,6), “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, ‘Abba, Father!’ Thus, the Spirit enables us to pray the prayer of Jesus to His father, “Abba, Father! Our Father!” Paul also reminds the Romans (8, 26), “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning that cannot be uttered.”
How do we pray? First, we have to desire what we want to pray for. We must want what we pray, and want it with consuming passion.
How could our hearts desire things with passion? The answer may be surprising: repeat and repeat and repeat. Persistence. Perseverance in prayer. Our Christian Eastern tradition teaches us a prayer like breathing, like a mantra, like a psalm with a refrain. When we repeat, “The Lord is my shepherd”, we remember the whole Psalm. Our constant repetition let our hearts and minds focus to our one and deepest desire, and our entire self becomes the desire itself --- the word becomes flesh.
Be honest. When we fall in love, we repeat and repeat what we long for the other to hear: I love you. And the more we constantly rehearse the words, “I love you” in text messages, vocal renditions, non-verbal gestures, we grow to mean it so much. Until, in the repetitions, our hearts begins to become the desire, that the person in love bursts into flame, like a person with an acute fever. William James said, "Religion exists not as a dull habit, but as an acute fever." And when the words --- or the name of the person ---- become the constant longing of the heart, our entire being becomes the very desire. The whole of us want the person we love.
The same thing with prayer. When we ask, mean it. Repeat it. Mangkulit ka lang sa Diyos. Constantly knock. Constantly seek. Look closely if your desire is pure and true. But even if its imperfect, the Gospel tells us that the Holy Spirit would desire it for us. Eventually, when our desires are completed by the Holy Spirit, it comes, like a burning incense, to the presence of God.
Thank you for this post Father. The Holy Spirit must have led me here. Since i got here in Japan two months ago, prayers have strengthened me and kept me sane. I have been pretty homesick and stressed as I wait for my papers from the immigration. Even in silence, even over doing mundane things, I pray. My prayers reflect my heart's desires. My hubby and I storm the Heavens with our prayers, even our families pray for us. We want to be together again. This distance has been an emotional rollercoaster for us but this has actually strengthened our prayer time and our faith in Him. In fact, even my hubby who was never prayerful (being a tibak before) cling to the Lord and draws from Him strength and hope. (For this change of heart, I am forever thankful to God.)
Of course, there are many times when my faith faltered. I was weak and in doubt, the number of which I lost track. I would just cry and open my heart to Him. In silence, I would say, "This is my heart Lord" and would break down in tears. I don't really know what God's surprise would be. Would I be going home in Aug. 8 when my visa expires or would I be issued a work visa and would simply wait for my hubby to follow here?
Whatever it is, I know that God knows what's best. I don't want to demand things from Him. But I've always been very very honest and truthful that I want to be with my hubby already (here or there).
I hope in my heart, that as my heart never stopped desiring and praying for it passionately, God will answer my prayers.
Dear Pie,
Thank you very much for your comment. Yes, I know what you mean because I have been abroad and have heard the yearnings of those there. My sister is abroad too.
I will join the crusade with your family. I promise to pray and offer mass for you too.
God bless.
Fr. Jboy SJ
thank you very much Father. God bless us always. ;)
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